
  关键词:多维独立成分分析;多维Amari; 数值仿真;信号测试
  中图分类号: TP301.6;O242.1 文献标志码:A
  Numerical simulation and analysis based on �multidimensional independent component analysis
  XIE Yong.hong��1�*�, ZHANG Guo.wei�2
  �(1.Department of Computer Science, Harbin Finance University, Harbin Heilongjiang 150030, China
  2.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi�an Jiaotong University, Xi�an Shaanxi 710049, China
  By introducing a indicator to evaluate performance of Multidimensional Independent Component Analysis (MICA) algorithm, the separation was studied by numerical simulation. Using multidimensional Amari separation error as an important indicator of a measurement of multidimensional independent component analysis algorithm performance. In the comparative analysis of four algorithm named vkMICA, cfMICA, MSOBI, SJADE in the separation performance, a random distribution of letters signal was used for simulation and testing, and get a visual representation of MICA model of separation and uncertainty. The results show that MICA is a very effective method for multidimensional source signal analysis.
  By introducing an indicator to evaluate performance of Multidimensional Independent Component Analysis (MICA) algorithm, the separation was studied by numerical simulation. The multidimensional Amari separation error was used as an important indicator of the measurement of MICA algorithm performance. In the comparative separation performance analysis of four algorithms named vkMICA, cfMICA, MSOBI, SJADE, a random distribution of letters signal was used for simulation and testing, and a visual representation of MICA model of separation and uncertainty was got. The results show that MICA is a very effective method for multidimensional source signal analysis.�Key words:
  Multidimensional Independent Component Analysis (MICA); multidimensional Amari; numerical simulation; signal testing
  0 引言�
  法国学者Cardoso��[1]�于1998年首先给出了标准的多维独立成分分析(Multidimensional Independent Component Analysis, MICA)定义,提出了加法模型并通过几何参数化方法对MICA的算法进行分解。MICA算法估计的系统框架如图1所示。�
  在图1中,�A是混合矩阵,V是白化矩阵,U是局部的正交分离矩阵,B是利用算法最终确定的全局解混矩阵,它实际上是对A��-1�的估计,而得到的y�是对源的估计。所以,MICA估计算法的中心任务就是确定分离矩阵�B,使得能够对源S【图上是小写?】或混合矩阵A�实现有效地估计。对于MICA估计算法,可分为批处理(离线)和在线算法,把批处理算法结合独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)算法,并将其推广到多维的情况,从而讨论四种MICA算法的分离性能,即基于向量峭度的不动点算法��[2]�(vector kurtosis based MICA, vkMICA),基于第二特征函数Hessian矩阵联合块对角化的算法��[3]�(characteristic function based MICA, cfMICA), 基于特征矩阵联合块对角化的算法��[4]�(Subspace JADE, SJADE)和基于时延协方差矩阵联合块对角化的算法��[5]�(Multidimensional Second Order Blind Identification, MSOBI)。通过引入一个用于评价MICA算法性能的指标,进行数值仿真来研究其分离性。�
  2.2 处理点数�K�的选取对算法的影响�
  2.3 时延个数�L�的选取对算法的影响�
  4 结语�
  本文检测了MICA的四个算法的性能指标,主要分析了处理点的个数的选取、不同时延个数的选取对算法的影响;在无噪声和有噪声条件下,基于联合块对角化(JBD)的CFMICA、SJADE、MSOBI三个算法都表现了一定的抗噪声性能。但当高能量的噪声下,需要在算法处理前加上降噪处理环节。仿真与测试分析表明,四个算法均能够在一定程度上完成对源信号的分离,在此基础上,再进行联合块对角化的协方差矩阵相应增加,从而更好地反映了信号空间的“平均特征”,得到更好的分离效果。MICA的算法可以非常有效地进行多维源信号分析,也是后期研究和实际应用的内容。 �
  图12 以SJADE算法为例分析得到的对3个字母信号的估计�参考文献:�
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推荐访问:多维 分析 数值 仿真