
Did you know? There is a type of mushroom that can explode. This mushroom is called a puffball. Once it is mature, it turns brown. It can burst when it is disturbed. Just a gentle touch, it will spurt a cloud of spores, which can make your nose and throat itch.


Before the puffball grows up, it can be a tasty food if you cook it correctly. The reason why it explodes in this way is because it uses the explosion as a way of spreading its seeds. Thus it can reproduce and create new mushrooms.


Words & Pictures: 雪菲菲

The inside of a mature puffball is full of tens of thousands of spores. When the outer shell is broken, the spores will burst out and be released into the air.


Puffballs were used in America by some Native Americans to give them an advantage on the battlefield. The Native Americans would lead their enemies to places with a high concentration of puffballs. They would then wait for their enemies to set off the puffballs. The clouds of spores which were released would irritate their enemies" eyes and noses. Once their enemies were incapacitated, they would take the opportunity to attack and catch them off guard.


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