【基于统计分析的作战行动效能评估方法】 作战效能评估

  摘要:由于作战过程中不确定因素多,作战行动效果数据表现出显著的随机性。为了探索效果数据背后隐藏的作战规律,基于统计分析的方法研究作战行动效能的评估问题。分析了作战行动及其效能的基本概念,针对增强最简半自治适应性作战神经网络工具箱(enhanced irreducible semi-autonomous adaptive combat neural simulation toolkit,EINSTein)产生的仿真数据采用单次、单组以及多组实验分析的手段,研究进攻行动效果数据的统计特征,发现对于具有作战优势的一方,相比通过增加作战人数而言,提高火力半径能够取得更好的作战效果。在此基础上,提出一种作战行动效能的评估方法,并结合仿真数据进行了验证,从而为基于实际训练效果数据的效能评估提供可行的解决方案。
  中图分类号: TP391.97 文献标志码:A
  Effectiveness evaluation method based on statistical analysis of operations
  CHENG Kai�1�*, ZHANG Rui�1, ZHANG Hong.jun�1, CHE Jun.hui�2
  1. Engineering Institute of Corps of Engineers, PLA University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu 210007, China
  2. Nanjing Army Command College, Nanjing Jiangsu 210045, China
  The effective data of actions show a significant randomness because of lots of uncertain elements in the course of action. In order to explore the rules of warfare which hide behind the data, research on effectiveness evaluation problems based on statistical analysis method. Analyze the basic concept of action and its effectiveness. With the simulation data produced by enhanced irreducible semi.autonomous adaptive combat neural simulation toolkit(EINSTein), use a single, a group and multi group experimental methods to study the statistical characteristics of offensive actions and find that to a party who has a combat advantage, compared with increased number of personnel, the increased radius of firepower can achieve better operational results. On this basis, an evaluation method of action effectiveness is proposed and validated with simulation data. So a feasible resolvent is provided to evaluate the action effectiveness based on actual combat data.
  The effect data of actions show a significant randomness because of lots of uncertain elements in the course of action. In order to explore the rules of warfare hidden behind the data, the effectiveness evaluation was studied based on statistical analysis method. The basic concept of action and its effectiveness were analyzed. With the simulation data produced by enhanced irreducible semi.autonomous adaptive combat neural simulation toolkit (EINSTein), a single, a group and multi group experimental methods were used to study the statistical characteristics of offensive actions and find out that to a party who has a combat advantage, compared with increased number of personnel, the increased radius of firepower can achieve better operational results. On this basis, an evaluation method of action effectiveness was proposed and validated with simulation data. Therefore, a feasible resolution is provided to evaluate the action effectiveness based on actual combat data.
  �Key words:
  action; effect data; EINSTein tool; statistics; effectiveness evaluation
  0 引言�
  普鲁士将军carl von Clausewitz曾经说过“战争是不确定的王国,战争所依据的四分之三因素或多或少地被不确定性因素的迷雾包围着”�[1]。为了拨开战争不确定性这层迷雾, 军事专家试图通过效能评估探寻战争中存在的规律,取得了许多有价值的研究成果�[2-4]。效能评估问题一直是军事运筹领域研究的热点�[5-6],作战行动是作战过程的核心元素,因此需要首先对作战行动的效能进行评估。为了降低评估中的随机性,文献[7]用不确定自信息量度量完成任务的程度,难点在于隶属函数的确定;文献[8]引入理想观察者分析法解决不确定决策效能评估问题,但是方法基于静态目标,缺乏对实际作战中动态目标的讨论;文献[9]对一种概率意义下的Lanchester方程进行了统计分析;文献[10]通过统计检验的方法,实现了自行火炮行驶平顺性的统计评估。由此可知统计分析的方法在处理随机性问题上具有诸多优势�[11-12],但是目前在作战行动的效能评估中应用较少,而作战行动数据往往数量巨大,亟需一种可行的方法分析这些数据,从而发现作战过程中存在的统计性规律。�
  1 基本概念�
  2 作战行动效果数据统计分析�
  EINSTein系统�[15]是由美国海军陆战队发展司令部在战斗模拟系统(Irreducible Semi.Autonomous Adaptive Combat,ISAAC)的基础上,研制的一种作战仿真平台。系统基于Agent技术构建,为研究陆军作战中不确定性、非线性等战争复杂性问题提供了新的工具。因此本文基于EINSTein仿真数据,分别从单次仿真实验分析、单组仿真实验分析、多组仿真实验分析三个角度,探讨多种兵力和武器配比方案下的仿真结果,以期发现不同条件下作战过程中存在的统计性规律,为作战行动的效能评估打下良好基础。�

推荐访问:作战 统计分析 效能 评估