
  中图分类号: TP391.省略merce search engine�based on the mixture of Markov models
  Clustering user behavior patterns of E.commerce search engine�based on mixture of Markov models
  QIN Jun�1�*,XIAO Rong�2
  1. School of Computer Science, South.Central University of Nationalities,Wuhan Hubei 430074, China�;��
  2. Taobao �(�China�)� Software Company Limited,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310099, China
  Clustering the behavior patterns of the customers is helpful to provide more specific services for E-Commerce applications. A mixture model based on Markov models is proposed to solve this problem on the search engine of E-Commerce website. This model assumes that the behaviors of every customer which uses the search engine can be represented by a Markov model and every user is assigned to a particular cluster randomly. Based on Bayesian Ying-Yang harmony learning theory,a corresponding harmony function and an adaptive gradient algorithm are designed to deal with the parameter-learning and model-selection tasks. The experimental result shows that this adaptive gradient algorithm can achieve the model-selection and the parameter-learning more automatically and efficiently when compared with EM algorithm. At last, this clustering approach is applied on real-world click-through logs of the search engine on www.省略 and the result shows that this method can capture the nature of customers’ behaviors effectively.省略merce applications. A mixture model based on Markov models was proposed to solve this problem on the search engine of E.Commerce website. This model assumed that the behaviors of every customer who used the search engine can be represented by a Markov model and every user was assigned to a particular cluster randomly. Based on Bayesian Ying.Yang (BYY) harmony learning theory, a corresponding harmony function and an adaptive gradient algorithm were designed to deal with the parameter.learning and model.selection tasks. The experimental result shows that this adaptive gradient algorithm can achieve the model.selection and the parameter.learning more automatically and efficiently when compared with EM algorithm. At last, this clustering approach was applied on real.world click.through logs of the search engine on www.省略 and the result shows that this method can capture the nature of customers� behaviors effectively.
  �Key words:
  Markov model; Expectation.Maximization (EM) algorithm; model.based clustering; Bayesian Ying.Yang (BYY); harmony function
  0 引言�
  分析搜索引擎日志中用户行为模式能帮助我们深入了解用户与系统之间如何交互,并可应用于众多领域,比如:改善用户界面设计�[1], 提升搜索结果相关性�[2-3],个性化搜索结果�[4-5], 优化系统性能�[6]等。对于通用搜索引擎日志分析,很多学者已做出许多研究工作�[7-8]。随着电子商务的发展,越来越多的用户使用搜索引擎查找他们所需的商品。与通用搜索引擎相比,电子商务搜索引擎的用户的行为有许多不同。用户不仅会点击搜索结果,可能还会收藏或购买感兴趣的商品等。表1给出了一些来自www.省略用户动作序列的例子。根据点击序列数据对用户行为模式聚类是对用户行为深入分析的基础。�
  对于基于模型的聚类方法,通常采用最大期望( Expectation.Maximization,EM)算法进行参数估计。但该方法存在一个前提条件:分量模型的数量�K�是已知的。而对于本
  文这一关键信息是未知的,因此需解决模型选择问题。虽然已有学者提出很多关于模型选择标准,如赤池信息准则(Akaike Information Criterion,AIC)、贝叶斯信息准则(Bayesian Information Criterion,BIC)和最小描述长度(Minimum Description Length,MDL)等,但需要对不同的�K�值重复整个参数估计过程,耗费大量计算时间。Xu提出�[10]的贝叶斯阴阳(Bayesian Ying.Yang,BYY)和谐学习系统和理论提供了一个通用的统计学习框架,它不仅可以用来解释现有的众多学习方法,而且对于有限样本集上混合模型学习问题提供了一种新机制,可用来在实现参数估计的同时进行模型选择,其核心是最大化和谐度函数(Harmony Function)。Jinwen Ma等基于该理论,提出了针对高斯混合模型的和谐度函数,通过自适应梯度算法求解模型参数,并自动进行模型选择。本文拟将BYY理论应用于马尔可夫混合模型,提出适合该混合模型的和谐度函数,并推导出对应的梯度算法,以解决该模型在参数学习同时模型自动选择的问题。�
  1 用户行为建模�
  1)如何区分不同的用户动作。首先,根据用户使用搜索引擎时的不同意图定义了15种动作:new.search, page, sort, change.tab, location.filter, price.filter, prepay.filter, other.filter, compass, relative.search, change.category, change.mode, click, buy, other。文本采用一个集合来表示�S={s},0≤s≤14,�然后映射URL到这些动作。�
  2)如何区分不同的序列。IP地址不足以区分不同用户,而且一个用户在一天内可能会使用搜索引擎不止1次。在日志文件中记录了每个URL请求的cookie id。因此,本文假设cookie id和IP地址能唯一地识别一个用户动作序列,而且根据URL映射产生的动作按时间先后保持顺序。如果同一用户的两个动作时间间隔超过30�m,则认为这是两个不同的序列。由此获得一个大约1�800万个序列组成的数据集,表示为�O={O�n|n=1,…,N}。每个序列O�n由集合S中状态依次排列组成,例如:O�n=0,1,2,12,13。��
  4 结语�
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