
  Well, I was born with...with a rare visual condition called 1)achromatopsia, which is total color blindness. So I’ve never seen color, and I don’t know what color looks like, ’cause I come from a grayscale world. To me, the sky is always gray, flowers are always gray, and television is still in black and white.
  But, since the age of 21, instead of seeing color, I can hear color. In 2003, I started a project with computer scientist Adam Montandon, and the result, with further collaborations with Peter Kese from Slovenia, and Matias Lizana from Barcelona, is this electronic eye. It’s a color sensor that detects the color frequency in front of me and sends this frequency to a chip installed at the back of my head, and I hear the color in front of me through the bone, through bone conduction.
  So, life has changed dramatically since I hear color, ’cause color is almost everywhere, so the biggest change for example is going to an art gallery, I can listen to a Picasso, for example. So it’s like going to a concert hall, ’cause I can listen to the paintings. And supermarkets, I find this is very shocking, it’s very, very attractive to walk along a supermarket. It’s like going to a nightclub. It’s full of different melodies,yeah. Especially the aisle with cleaning products; it’s just fabulous.
  Also, the way I dress has changed. Before, I used to dress in a way that it looked good. Now I dress in a way that it sounds good.
  Also, food, the way I look at food has changed, ’cause now I can display the food on a plate, so I can eat my favorite song. So depending on how I display it, I can hear and I can compose music with food. So imagine a restaurant where we can have, like Lady Gaga salads as starters. I mean, this would get teenagers to eat their vegetables, probably. And also, some Rachmaninov piano concertos as main dishes, and some 2)Bjork or Madonna desserts, that would be a very exciting restaurant where you can actually eat songs.   Two years ago, I created the 3)Cyborg Foundation, which is a foundation that tries to help people become a cyborg; tries to encourage people to extend their senses by using technology as part of the body.
  We should all think that knowledge comes from our senses, so if we extend our senses, we will consequently extend our knowledge. I think life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body. I think this will be a big, big change that we’ll see during this century.
  So I do encourage you all to think about which senses you’d like to extend. I would encourage you to become a cyborg. You won’t be alone. Thank you.
  还有,食物。我看待食物的方式也变了,因为现在我能把食物组合好放在盘子里,然后我就可以把我喜欢的音乐吃掉。通过排列我的食物,我能听见食物,也能用食物作曲。设想一下有这么一家餐厅,供应Lady Gaga沙拉作为开胃菜。我想,这样可能会鼓励一些青少年多吃蔬菜。还有,餐厅供应拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴协奏曲作为主菜,还有比约克或麦当娜甜点,那这家餐厅一定很赞,因为你都能在那里享用音乐了。

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