
  1.She asked you to call her back as son as possible. 这样的句子只传递了一般的信息,换个说法,增加一些情感性词汇,其表达效果就会大不一样。如:She said that she would appreciate it if you could call back as soon as possible.(全国卷1)在此句中使用了appreciate一词,把作者内心的感激之情表达出来,具有很强的感染力。
  2.Most of us can’t operate a computer without a mouse, and they also can’t surf the Internet.该句在意思和语法上都无过错,但从表达效果上却并非理想,换一种表达,对原句进行适当的润色,其效果也许略胜一筹。如:For the majority of us, it is impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet.(江苏卷)该句无论是在结构形式或表达方式上都远远地胜过原句。用majority代替了most,表明了驾驭词汇的能力;用impossible和let alone等强烈的情感词巧妙地作了对应,把其感情融于句中,体现了用词美、对称美和结构美的典范。
  3.The whole day passed quickly, and they must leave the Nursing Home. The elderly thanked them and they said they felt very happy.该句仅仅叙述了事情的经过,全句毫无精彩之处。因此显得平淡、乏味。对比经过该写的句子便会有一番不同的感觉。The whole day flew by before they knew it, and the time came to say good-bye. They elderly thanked them for their kindness, saying it was such a beautiful day that they would remember for ever.(浙江卷)该句用生动的动词flew说明了时间的流逝,在其后又用了before they knew it的结构,为该句的亮点之一。在随后的表达中用thanked,kindness,beautiful和for ever等情感词抒发了老人们的依依不舍之情,让人沉思和追忆。
  1. April 12 is memorable because our class had a meaningful experience on that day. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way.…We feel it’s our duty to protect and beautify our environment.(北京卷)在这几个句子中作者用了几个高级词汇,从而增添了整个句子的魅力。如:memorable使人难以忘怀;bicycled巧妙地进行词汇的转换,用做动词新颖独特;beautify与前面的动词protect连用,构成了对称形式,远远胜过make our environment more beautiful 的结构,从而使句子言简意赅。
  2. At that time I was really in a bad mood. Even I was once determined not to learn English. It seemed that I had no confidence in anything, which made my English learning go bad to worse.(江西卷)在这两个句子中作者巧妙地使用了determined和confidence两个高级词汇,把其内心的情感恰倒好处地流露出来,以静态的形式呈现于读者眼前,让人浮想联翩。
  3. Your favorite music will be available for use only a click away, and at your click you can download any movie that appeals to you. Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute mouse.(江苏卷)在这几个句中脱颖而出的典型词汇和短语是be available for,appeals to和cute。这些词汇和短语的使用使人读后感觉一种浓郁的文语气息,有一种令人拍案叫绝的感叹,有道是浓装淡抹总相宜。
  有时学生在写作时只注意语言点的齐全,而极易忽视如何在原有的句子上进行拓展。常常会给人一种知其然而不知其所以然的感觉。殊不知,有时稍加一笔便是满句生辉。如:   1. Finally I found a practical solution, that is, when I am in a bad mood, I’m always finding my best friend to share my mood and help me out, which is of great use. (江西卷)该文中的最后一句which is of great use. 实在妙不可言,廖廖数词点出了全句的精华,如若缺失,实乃为败笔之一。以此句结束全文,嘎然而止,恰到好处。
  2. Luckily, I remembered what you had told me about what to do in the beginning of the first class. So I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts, and then I began to make a brief introduction of myself to the class.(湖南卷)句中的黑体部分是原汉语提示中未出现的内容,该句把作者的内心活动刻画得恰倒好处。它既起到连接上句又与下句融会贯通,缺少该句就不能把作者在当时紧张的心理所反映出来。该细节的增添足以说明细微之处见真功的语言功底。
  3. In my opinion, “We Should Be Thankful” is a very good option. Because in our daily life we are always getting help from people around us and gain favors fro others, we should learn to show our thanks to those who help us, which will comfort them a lot.(重庆卷)该文主要论述了应该如何学会感恩,其理由何在,通过句中的Because引导的从句可以明辩。而后面which引导的定语从句有阐明了感恩与人与己都有利。如果仅仅局限于要求中汉语的提示,敷衍地草拟几句,而不能根据其内容涵义去适当的拓展,就不能达到尽善尽美的地步。试想如果缺少文中的黑体部分的内容,那么整个段落读上去会是什么样的感觉呢?

推荐访问:生动 英语写作 形象 语言