
  Barking Sands Beach, US
  Imagine your every barefoot step taking on the bark of a dog.... Pretty awful thought, right? Well, this is what happens at Polihale Beach in Hawaii. The canine1) sound is caused by a particular kind of quartz2). The beach also houses a rocket launch site and a missile-defense testing center.
  Hot Water Beach, New Zealand
  While hot springs may gross some people out3), this beach on the Coromandel Peninsula seems like a healthier and more natural alternative. Subterranean4) hot springs filter up through the sand and, either side of low tide, visitors can burrow5) down and create their own hot-water pools in which to soak.
  Papakolea Beach, US
  Is it grass? Fake turf6)? No, it"s sand ... green sand, but still sand. Hawaii"s Papakolea Beach is one of the only two green beaches in the world, the other being in Galapagos. It gets its distinctive coloring from the mineral olivine7), a mineral which is composed of the semi-precious stone peridot8).
  Pink Sands Beach, Bahamas
  It may seem like a scene from My Little Pony at first, but the pink hue9) of this Bahamas" beach is for real and caused by microscopic10) coral insects called Foraminifera. When they die, they leave their pink shells behind to be crushed into sand by waves.
  Punaluu Beach, US
  So, we"ve had green and pink, what next? How about black? Yes, Hawaii"s Punaluu Beach is just about the polar opposite of the perfect white-sand, warm water brochure11) beach. Instead icy waves roll out onto a pitch black shore, consisting of basalt12) which is formed from ancient volcanic lava13) cooled by the sea.
  Glass Beach, US
  In the early 20th century, Fort Bragg residents threw their household garbage over the cliffs14) above what is now Glass Beach in California. In 1967 the area was closed for a number of years. The pounding waves cleansed15) the beach, wearing down the discarded16) glass into the small, smooth, colored trinkets17) that cover the beach today.
  Genipabu Beach, Brazil
  If you were kidnapped, blindfolded18) and dropped off just a few meters away from the shoreline of Genipabu Beach in Brazil, you would probably think you were in some Middle Eastern desert. The beach is surrounded by huge dunes19) and camel rides are even a popular activity.
  想象一下,你光着脚每走一步都会听到脚下发出狗叫声……很恐怖的想法,是不是?然而这就发生在夏威夷的波利哈雷沙滩。那种类似于狗叫的声音是由一种特殊的石英砂引起的。这个沙滩上还建有一个火箭发射场和一个导弹防御测试中心。   新西兰的温泉沙滩
  1. canine [?ke?na?n] adj. 犬的;似犬的
  2. quartz [kw??ts] n. 【矿】石英
  3. gross sb. out: 使某人作呕
  4. subterranean [?s?bt??re?ni?n] adj. 存在于地面下的
  5. burrow [?b?r??] vi. 挖地洞
  6. turf [t??f] n. 草皮
  7. olivine [??l??vi?n] n. 【矿】橄榄石
  8. peridot [?per?d?t] n. 【矿】贵橄榄石
  9. hue [hju?] n. 颜色,色彩
  10. microscopic [?ma?kr??sk?p?k] adj. 非用显微镜不可见的;微小的
  11. brochure [?br????(r)] n. 小册子;(关于某地、某旅馆等的)情况介绍手册
  12. basalt [?b?s??lt] n. 【地】玄武岩
  13. lava [?lɑ?v?] n. 【地】熔岩
  14. cliff [kl?f] n. (尤指海边的)悬崖,峭壁
  15. cleanse [klenz] vt. 使清洁;清洗
  16. discard [d?s?kɑ?d] vt. 丢弃,抛弃
  17. trinket [?tr??k?t] n. 小装饰物
  18. blindfold [?bla?ndf??ld] vt. 蒙住……的眼睛
  19. dune [dju?n] n. (风吹积成的)沙丘,土丘

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